Post Camino Hike

Today, exactly 23 days since my return from Camino, I took my first hike.SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES

I met my good friend Sue at the Agua Caliente Hill Trailhead at 7 am and we began the ascent of 824 feet.SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES

The morning was beautiful. We were grateful the sun was behind the clouds for much of the climb, but today there wasn’t any breeze. No breeze and a thick cloud cover in the desert brings higher humidity than we desert rats are accustomed to so the climb caused us to ‘glow’.

A very good friend told me ‘Men sweat, women glow’; friend of mine, I hope it is alright that I borrow and quote you. 😉

Southern Arizona has been experiencing some heavy monsoon activity and the desert is showing the product of all the rain. The trail was in bloom with wildflowers. There were so many wildflowers, I think more than were in bloom this spring. It was truly a beautiful sight.SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES

I was amazed, for not having hiked for over three weeks, my fitness did not seem to have slackened. Hopefully, now I will return to hiking every morning; as Sue said, hiking the AC Hill makes everything for the rest of the day golden.

11 responses to “Post Camino Hike

  1. Three weeks is a long time to not hike, given your recent record! I leave three weeks from today for Spain, and I simply don’t have enough time the training I should. Oh well – soon I’ll be retired so that daily detour to the office will be over.


    • Clare,
      Wow it is very close for you! I wish I was walking with you – as you know I love the Camino and just simply can’t seem to get enough. ‘Once Bitten’ I’m sure.
      Have the most lovely walk and most of all a wonderful retirement.





  3. Arlene, We were talking to a friends friend at a wedding shower and the grandfather has an albuerge in Spain. He is getting older and doesn’t go every summer to open it anymore and the family is not that interested. We are thinking that we will try to get the number to connect you with them. Maybe you want to go run the albuerge, and see how it suits you. Who knows, maybe they will want to sell it!


  4. Sounds wonderful!


  5. WOW those flowers are truly beautiful; lucky you to be able to walk through them! 🙂 Your very own albuerge served on a platter, could be interesting! Can’t wait to hear more!! Britta


  6. Many flowers, all differents and all beautiful !


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