Tag Archives: bobcat

An Update on my Training

I have been getting out for about 4 to 5 treks per week. I’m still only walking steep inclines but it is getting harder each day because of the hideous heat of Tucson’s summers.

One morning I was lucky enough to sight a beautiful bobcat. She was about 8 feet from where I was standing.bobcat




On another urban hike, I continued walking for 9 miles – this I know because I am now using my new Garmin GPS watch. It was hot!! I was unsure if I could make it back to my house. But I got home safely, I am sure all the water I drank depleted my potassium levels because I felt pretty lousy for the rest of the day.

On another hike this past week, I got rained on for a few minutes each of three different times.

But today’s trek was glorious. The temps were in the 90 degree range and the monsoon clouds were building.


Usually the skies in southern Arizona do not have any clouds; as you can see the story is quite different during monsoon season.

This update was made from my Samsung Galaxy Note smart phone because I am trying to determine if I should purchase a tablet to bring along with me on the Camino this September. The jury is still out……