What a way to end the year

On Monday morning, December 11th, 2017, I went to the park for my normal exercise. This exercise is becoming more important as I have 2 Camino tours planned beginning the 28th of April next year.
As fate would have it, I slipped on black ice and went down as if genuflecting onto my right knee. I immediately got back up and began trying to walk off the pain. The pain seem to subside, looking back I suppose my body went into shock.
I walked back to my car, got in and drove home. Once home, I iced my knee for the remainder of the afternoon. My accident happened at approximately 11 a.m.
By 4:30 in the afternoon, my knee was swollen and quite painful. I telephoned my son Paul, to take me to the emergency room as I was positive I had a severe bruise or sprain. Thankfully my trekking poles were close by and I was able to use them to support my body as I walked into the emergency room.
X-rays revealed I had fractured my knee cap, patella, in a crosswise fashion creating four separate breaks. My knee was wrapped with a compression wrap to reduce swelling and I was advised to see an orthopedic surgeon.
On Wednesday afternoon, I saw an orthopedic surgeon. Amazingly, my knee cap is not separated and the treatment is rest and a brace. Of course, healing will take approximately 8 weeks after which I will have another six to eight weeks of physical therapy.
When asked if I would be able to lead the tours, the orthopedic surgeon replied he could not yet say if it would be possible. He indicated it might be possible but most likely not probable.

So my year ends with an untimely slip on the ice and much time on my hands to read and heal. I’m trying very hard to make lemonade from these lemons and to understand the message the Universe has sent me.

19 responses to “What a way to end the year

  1. No ice here in Tucson. Maybe that was the message? Get well soon. David


  2. Dear Arlena, I’m so sorry that this has happened, but have no doubt that of all the people I know, you’ll deal with this situation, and well! Your knowledge of yoga and Karma, your depth of intuition and what you draw from that will, I’ve no doubt at all, guide you to the best outcome for what is essentially a small blip in a much larger picture. Can’t wait to hear how you turn this around to something positive to look back on 🤗 May the AUMs guide you 😉 Britta


  3. Arlená, So sorry you have had this happen! Blasted black ice, why I do not live in Bend, Or. Black ice! Listen to the Dr. rest and more rest. Happy healing. Sending you all my positive thoughts for healthy healing.
    XO Tami


  4. Oh my Arlene!!! I am so sorry! I must say I can empathize with you.
    One of the things I did when I realized my life was NOT going to be the same after I broke my wrist is I made a list (via email to myself) of all the things in life I normally do that I would not be able to do for a period of time. Then I addressed each one with a positive way to cope. For example, I was not going to be able to use my right hand to write so I came up with using my phone keyboard as my hand to make lists and notes. I gave myself permission to ask for help, make lots of booboos and just be plain awkward and uncoordinated. I bought some skirts so I didn’t have to pull up and fasten pants with one hand. I used my teeth to squeeze tooth paste. You too will find cleaver little tricks for making this time doable.
    You are such a positive person Im sure you will find positive ways to cope also. I am sure you are so grateful you did not fracture your knee cap because that would have been much much worse. When I got to feeling down about my wrist gratitude always saved the day. Be kind and forgiving of yourself Arlene and find some humor when you can’t get around like you wish you could.
    Ken and I are thinking of you and send you our loving support.
    Gail >

    Liked by 1 person

    • I knew you would feel my pain, thank you for the encouraging tips……I’ve already purchased several long mid calf skirts as it is cold here, no way pants can go over this clunky brace…..Yes, I am lucky as my fracture could have been much worse than it is…..Now there is plenty of time to think positive thoughts and take action toward achieving them……Happy Holidays and thank you for your support. Om, Om, Om …….Arlena

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ay, ay, ay! Most of what there is to say has been said. But, yes, when you keep your eye on the prize, you’ll do what it takes to get there, not matter what gets thrown in your way. And I know you to be this kind of person! Hugs and positive thoughts to you!


  6. So sorry to hear this news Arlena – I’m sending you healing vibes for a swift and full recovery so you can once again step on those ancient and magical paths again with your groups as you hope and plan to do.


  7. Sorry to read about your accident. Now you will be able to blog more! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wow, that is a bummer, but thank goodness it is not worse or more permanent. I have no doubt you will be and at ‘em in no time and walking the Camino in April. Take good care of yourself and enjoy the holidays. As I recall, you did not live with such danger in Tucson.


    • Steve, good to hear from you. No, not much black ice in Tucson but you do have to watch out for the severe clear skies and the ridiculous heat.


  9. Nancy Johnson Martinez

    Sorry to hear about your encounter with black ice..Take this time to heal. I know you are grateful to be avoiding surgery..So glad you are near family who can help help you out. Sending positive thoughts to you my dear friend…Nancy


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